martedì 24 febbraio 2009

no to the nuke

Enel: with Edf jv joint development for nuclear power EPR (RCO)

Company-led Enel Italy over 4 plants. The first from 2020

(Il Sole 24 Ore Radiocor) - Rome, Feb. 24 - Enel and Edf signed a memorandum of understanding with which undertake to form a joint venture that will be responsible for the development of feasibility studies' for the creation of a united 'generation EPR nuclear power.

Italy and 'provided for the construction of 4 units' third generation, the first operation on a commercial no later than 2020.

Complete Works' study and took
the necessary investment decisions, it is stated in a note, and 'provided for the establishment of companies' ad hoc for the Construction, property 'and putting into operation of each units' generation EPR nuclear power, which Enel will have 'a majority stake in the property 'of the plant and withdrawal of energy and leadership in the plants.

It 'also the opening of the property' a
third with Enel for the maintenance of the majority and Edf
of society '.

Com-Zam-MLP-Y -

(Radiocor) 24-02-09 14:44:47 (0207) ene, 3 news NNNN

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