martedì 24 febbraio 2009

no to the nuke

Silvio restores energy to Italy
Tuesday 24.02.2009 17:11

Giuseppe Morello

It took 23 years to reopen in the discourse on nuclear power after the Chernobyl disaster which was sterilized between fumes dell'emotività any rational discourse on the sources of energy.

Now thanks to the agreement signed by Sarkozy and Berlusconi finally breaks a taboo and Italy back in the space of nuclear power after decades lost two good between self harm and fears shortsighted environmentalism.

It is clear that - as experts say (see the excellent "The energy puzzle" by Alberto Clo) - the discourse on nuclear power is complex and there are no certainties, but in the meantime we are not alone but with partners like France that in the area has experienced, towards a future in which the dependence on oil (and all that entails in geopolitical terms) is kept to a minimum.

This is another blow to the mark set by the Berlusconi government, whose profile is more strongly marked by "doing" and less exhausting debates that ever comes out of a decision.

Nuclear someone can not like it, but meanwhile those who govern have a choice and taking responsibility pulling us out of a deadlock that in recent years has become suffocating. In contrast stands the aphasia of the left and Pd in particular that the energy question also dazzles with a kaleidoscope of views, from nuclear convinced (Chicco Testa for example) up to the proponents of the candle and lamp oil (different from environmentalists to Realacci Pecoraro Scanio). Would be for them to discuss it yet subtle distinction between tangled and fascinating but improbable solutions.

There is still a need to explain the polls that give the Pd in the fall and rising Pdl ?

giuseppe.morello @

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